[2010년 이전 논문] 국제 학술지(SCI/SCIE) 및 국내 학술지 되돌아가기
1) 국제 학술지(SCI/SCIE)
- Kim OY, Monsel A, Bertrand M, Cavaillon JM, Coriat P, Adib-Conquy M. Translocation of bacterial NOD2 agonist and its link with inflammation. Crit Care. 2009;13(4):R124, 2009.04
- Kim OY, Jo SH, Jang Y, Chae JS, Kim JY, Hyun YJ, Lee JH. G allele at RAGE SNP82 is associated with proinflammatory markers in obese subjects. Nutrition Research 29(2): 106-113, 2009.02
- Hyun YJ, Kim OY, Jang Y, Chae JS, Kim JY, Yeo HY, Paik JK, Lee JH. Evaluation of metabolic syndrome risk in Korean premenopausal women: not waist circumference but visceral fat. Circulation Journal 72(8):1308-1315, 2008.08
- Hyun YJ, Koh SJ, Chae JS, Kim JY, Kim OY, Lim HH, Jang Y, Park S, Ordovas JM, Lee JH. Atherogenecity of LDL and unfavorable adipokine profile in metabolically obese, normal weight women. Obesity 16(4):784-789, 200.048
- Jang Y, Kim OY, Hyun YJ, Chae JS, Koh SJ, Heo YM, Choi D, Shin DJ, Huttner K, Lee JH. Interleukin-6 -572C>G polymorphism – association with inflammatory variables in Korean men with coronary artery disease. Translational Research 151(3):154-161, 2008.08
- Shin KK, Jang Y, Koh SJ, Chae JS, Kim OY, Park S, Choi D, Shin DJ, Kim HJ, Lee JH. Influence of the interleukin-6 -572C>G polymorphism on inflammatory markers according to cigarette smoking in Korean healthy men. Cytokine 39:116-122, 2007
- Paik JK, Kim OY, Koh SJ, Jang Y, Chae JS, Kim JY, Kim HJ, Hyun YJ, Cho JR, Lee JH. Additive effect of Interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP) single nucleotide polymorphisms on serum CRP concentration and other cardiovascular risk factors. Clinica Chimica Acta 380:68-74, 2007 (co-primary)
- Jang Y, Koh SJ, Kim OY, Kim BK, Choi D, Hyun YJ, Kim HJ, Chae JS, Lee JH. Effect of the 252A>G polymorphism of the lymphotoxin-a gene on inflammatory markers of response to cigarette smoking in Korean healthy men. Clinica Chimica Acta 377:221-227, 2007
- Jang Y, Kim JY, Kang SM, Kim JS, Chae JS, Kim OY, Koh SJ, Lee HC, Ahn CW, Song YD, Lee JH. Association of the Gly82Ser polymorphism in the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) gene with circulating levels of soluble RAGE and inflammatory markers in nondiabetic and nonobese Koreans. Metabolism Clinical Experimental 56:199-205, 2007
- Shin MJ, Jang Y, Koh SJ, Chae JS, Kim OY, Lee JE, Ordovas JM, Lee JH. The association of SNP276G>T at adiponectin gene with circulating adiponectin and insulin resistance in response to mild weight loss. International Journal of Obesity 30:1702-1708, 2006
- Jang Y, Kim OY, Koh SJ, Chae JS, Kim JY, Park S, Cho H, Lee JE, Ordovas JM, Lee JH. Genetic variation at the perilipin locus is associated with changes in serum free fatty acids and abdominal fat following mild weight loss. International Journal of Obesity 30:1601-1608, 2006 (co-primary)
- Shin MJ, Hyun YJ, Kim OY, Kim JY, Jang Y, Lee JH. Weight loss effect on inflammation and LDL oxidation in metabolically healthy but obese (MHO): low inflammation and LDL oxidation in MHO women. International Journal of Obesity 30:1529-1534, 2006
- Jang Y, Kim OY, Koh SJ, Chae JS, Goh YK, Kim JY, Cho H, Jeong TS, Lee WS, Ordovas JM, Lee JH. The Val279Phe Variant of the Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 Gene Is Associated with Catalytic Activities and Cardiovascular Disease in Korean Men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91(9):3521-3527 2006 (co-primary)
- Kim OY, Koh SJ, Jang Y, Chae JS, Kim JY, Kim HJ, Cho H, Lee JH. Plasma adiponectin is related to other cardiovascular risk factors in nondiabetic Korean men with CAD, independent of adiposity and cigarette smoking: Cross-sectional analysis. Clinica Chimica Acta 370:63-71, 2006
- Kim JY, Ordovas JM, Kim OY, Koh SJ, Jang Y, Yun SS, Lee JH. Comparison of low-fat meal and high-fat meal on postprandial lipemic response in non-obese men according to the -1131T>C polymorphism of the apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) gene (randomized cross-over design). J Am Coll Nutr 25:340-347, 2006
- Shin MJ, Kim OY, Koh SJ, Chae JS, Kim JY, Jang Y, Lee JH. Modest weight loss does not increase plasma adiponectin levels: effects of weight loss on C-reactive protein and DNA damage. Nutr Res 26:391-396, 2006 (co-primary)
- Jang Y, Lee JH, Kim OY, Koh SJ, Chae JS, Hong YJ, Cho H, Lee JE, Ordovas JM. The SNP276G/T polymorphism in the adiponectin (ACDC) gene is more strongly associated with insulin resistance and CVD risk than SNP45T/G in nonbese/nondiabetic Korean men independent of abdominal adiposity and circulating plasma adiponectin. Metabolism Clinical Experimental 55:59-66, 2006
- Hyun YJ, Kim OY, Kang JB, Lee JH, Jang Y, Liponkoski L, Salo P. Plant stanol ester in low fat yogurt reduces total and LDL cholesterol and LDL oxidation in nomo-and mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects. Nutrition Research 25:743-753, 2005
- Jang Y, Lee JH, Chae JS, Kim OY, Koh SJ, Kim JY, Cho H, Lee JE, Ordovas JM. Association of the +276G>T polymorphism of the adiponectin gene with cardiovascular disease risk factors in nondiabetic Koreans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 82:760-767, 2005
- Jang YS, Kim JY, Kim OY, Cho H, Ordovas JM, Lee JH. The -1131T>C polymorphism in the apolipoprotein A5(APOA5) gene is associated with postprandial hypertriglycerolemia elevated small dense LDL concentrations and oxidative stress in non-obese Korean men. American Journal Clinical Nutrition 80:832-840, 2004
- Kim OY, Cho EY, Park HY, Jang YS, Lee JH. Additive effect of the mutations in the β3-adrenergic receptor gene and uncoupling protein 3 gene promoter on body fat distribution and glycemic control after mild weight reduction in overweight-obese individual with coronary artery disease or metabolic syndrome. International Journal of Obesity 28(3):434-441, 2004
- Jang YS, Kim OY, Ryu HJ, Kim JY, Song SH, Ordovas JM, Lee JH. Visceral fat accumulation determines postprandial lipemic response, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage and endothelial dysfunction in non-obese Korean men. Journal of Lipid Research, 44(8): 2356-2364, 2003
- Kim OY, Lee YA, Ryu HJ, Park HY, Jang YS, Lee JH. Effect of Trp64Arg mutation in the β3-adrenoceptor gene on body fat distribution, glycemic control and lipids in response to hypocaloric diets in men with coronary artery disease. Nutrition Research 23:1013-1025, 2003
- Jang YS, Park HY, Lee JH, Ryu HJ, Kim JY, Kim OY. A polymorphism of the methyenetetra- hydrofolate reductase and methionine synthase gene in CAD patients: associateion with plasma folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine. Nutrition Research 22:965-976, 2002
- Jang Y, Kim OY, Park HY, Lee JH, Han JS, Ryu HJ. Effect of apolipoprotein E polymorphism on the serum lipid and insulin response to whole grain consumption in coronary artery disease patients. Nutrition Research 21(12):1463-1473, 2001
- Jang YS, Lee JH, Kim OY, Park HY, Lee SY. Consumption of whole grain and legume powder reduces insulin demand, lipid peroxidation, and plasma homocysteine concentrations in patients with coronary artery disease - randomized controlled clinical trial. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 21(12):2065-2071, 2001
- Jang YS, Lee JH, Huh KB, Kim OY. Influence of alcohol consumption and smoking habits on cardiovascular risk factors and antioxidant status in healthy Korean men. Nutrition Research 20(9):1213-1227, 2000
2) 국내학술지
- 임효희, 김오연, 신경훈, 유혜원, 백윤수. 창의성 증진 교육방법의 개선방안. 한국공학교육학회2009;12(4):135-141
- 김지영, 김오연, 유현지, 김태일, 김원호, 윤영달, 이종호. 식이섬유의 섭취가 만성 기능성 변비에 미치는 영향. 한국영양학회지. 2006;39(1):35-43
- 김희정, 강은희, 이종호, 김오연. 경장영양 공급방식 변경에 따른 신경계질환자의 영양 개선효과연구. 대한영양사협회학술지 2004;10:442-51 (대한영양사협회 제14회 학술상 대상)
- JY Kim, OY Kim, YJ Hyun, SM Koo, SH Song, Y Jang, JH Lee. Relationship among Nutrition a1 Intake, Duration of Outdoor Activities, Vitamin D Status and Bone health in High School Girds. Nutritional Science, 2004;7(4):208-213
- 안수현, 김오연, 이종호 김지영, 한광협. 비알콜성 간경변증 환자에서 영양보충에 따른 영양개선의 효과. 한국영양학회지. 2003;36(6):577-588 (Correspondence)
- Kim OY, Jang YS, Lee JH. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and methionine synthase gene association with homocysteine metabolism and coronary artery disease. Nutritional Science, 2002;5(4):256-258
- Kim OY, Kim JY, Choi K, Lee JH, Jang YS. Effect of caloric restiction on endocrine functions and body fat tribution in overweight premenopausal women, relatede to their UPC3 (uncoupling protein 3) genotypes. Nutritional Science, 2002;5(1):13-19
- Jang YS, Park HY, Lee JH, Ryu HJ, Kim OY, Yun SY, Lee HW, Cho EY. Association of apolipoprotein E genotype with serum lipids, apolipoproteins and insulin in men with and without coronary artery disease. Kor J Cardiovasc Dis 2001;2:107-115
- 윤용석, 박석원, 송영득, 박효경, 김오연, 안철우, 남재현, 남수현, 차봉수, 이종호, 임승길, 김경래, 이현철, 허갑법. Homeostasis Model Assessment법을 이용한 인술린저항성 평가의 한계. 당뇨병 2000;541-551
- 권석주, 장양수, 김오연, 이승민, 이종호, 정남식, 이현철, 허갑범. 남성에서 비만도와 연령에 따른 체지방 및 근육 분포와 동맥경화증 위험요소의 변화. 한국지질학회지 1999;9(4): 393-405
- 이종호, 장양수, 박현영, 김오연, 유하정, 채지숙. 비만한 중년 남성에서 열량제한과 운동을 통한 체중 감소의 효과. 대한비만학회지 1999;8(2):154-163
- 이종호, 장양수, 박현영, 김오연, 김지애, 김경미. 40대 남성에서 혈청지질 농도, 호르몬 농도 및 체형의 상호 관련성. 한국지질학회지 1999;9(2):195-208
- 장양수, 김오연, 권석주, 이종호, 정남식, 이현철, 허갑범. 남성에서 음주와 흡연이 동맥경화증 위험요소와 항산화체계에 미치는 영향. 대한내과학회지 1999;56(4): 437-449